Chemistry is a branch of science that studies matter, its compositions, properties, and reactivity with other substances. The term "matter" refers to something that has mass and occupies space. Everything that is physically present around us is formed of matter. The foundation of matter, ranging from atoms, molecules, compounds, and measuring units of matter, is spelled out in Chemistry. Chemistry is a discipline that falls somewhere between many other branches of science in terms of its scope. This explains its significance in other fields of science. At a fundamental level, chemistry provides a framework for understanding both the fundamental and applied scientific fields.
We live in a world that is always changing and unpredictable. Traditional systems, structures, and ways of working have undergone significant changes as a result of technological, scientific, and societal advancements, and exciting new opportunities are developing. These developments are altering the nature of chemistry as a science, chemists' roles, and the environment in which we work.
Title : Advances in plasma-based waste treatment for sustainable communities
Hossam A Gabbar, Ontario Tech University, Canada
Title : Nanostructured biodevices based on carbon nanotubes and glyconanoparticles for bioelectrocatalytic applications
Serge Cosnier, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
Title : Carbon capture and storage: The impact of impurities in CO2 streams
Andy Brown, Progressive Energy Ltd, United Kingdom
Title : Supramolecular nano chemistries: Fighting viruses, inhibiting bacteria and growing tissues
Thomas J Webster, Hebei University of Technology, China
Title : Chemical engineering of vanadium and tantalum zeolites for application in environmental catalysis
Stanislaw Dzwigaj, Sorbonne Universite, France
Title : Disrupting TNF-α and TNFR1 interaction: Computational insights into the potential of D-Pinitol as an anti-inflammatory therapeutic
Ferran Acuna Pares, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR), Spain