HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of

Chemistry World Conference

June 02-04, 2025 | Rome, Italy

Chemistry 2023

Alumina-graphene hybrid for applied applications

Speaker at Chemistry World Conference 2023 - Mujtaba Ikram
University of the Punjab, Pakistan
Title : Alumina-graphene hybrid for applied applications


In this invited lecture, enhanced physical properties of hybrids composed of γ-Al2O3 nanorods and reduced graphite oxide (rGO) platelets will be discussed which are prepared after calcination and hot-press processing. The hybrid processed at various calcination time shows an enhanced electrical conductivity, simultaneously with enhanced higher mechanical tensile strength and higher thermal conductivity, compared to the bare Al2O3. The dielectric constant of the hybrid is found much higher than that of the bare Al2O3. It is found that the oxygen-containing groups on graphene oxide benefit to the adsorption of aluminum Isopropoxide, leading to the uniform dispersion of rGO with Al2O3 which is hydrolyzed from aluminum Isopropoxide in solvothermal reactions. XRD characterizations show that the increase in calcination temperature and further hot-press processing at 900°C leads to the enhanced crystallinity of γ-Al2O3 nanorods in the hybrid, resulting in enhanced physical properties of the hybrids which are beneficial for applied applications.

Audience Takeaway Notes:

  • Audience may learn about hot pressing and their impact on physical properties of hybrids.
  • This research proves beneficial to material scientists to expand their research or teaching.
  • New applications of graphene based hybrids may be developed in industry.


Dr. Mujtaba Ikram has received his BS hons. (computational physics), MS (materials and surface engineering) and Ph.D. (material sciences and engineering), respectively. His research interests include nanotechnology, renewable energy, material science and engineering. His work has been cited by scientists from all over the world. He has authored/co- authored number of publications in world prestigious journals as Advanced materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, ACS Omega, Nanoscale Research Letters, RSC advances, RSC New Journal of chemistry, Chemcatchem, Journal of alloys and compounds, Applied nanoscience, International Journal of hydrogen energy, Journal of physics and chemistry of solids, Journals of solid state chemistry and many others. He has represented his research in the USA, Italy, Egypt, Germany, Slovenia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, UAE and many other countries. He has attended various research training/conferences/workshops on industrial physics, renewable energy, advanced carbon materials and nanotechnology in various parts of the world. He is a frequent visiting scholar at the Abdus Salam International center for theoretical physics (ICTP)-Italy. He was selected among two young scientists from south Asia for TWAS science diplomacy, which was held in Trieste Italy, 2013. He has been invited many times as Invited lecturer by CAS-TWAS Beijing. In 2015, he was awarded with CAS-TWAS green technology award. In 2017, he was awarded with CAS-TWAS green chemistry and technology (GCT) award for his guest lectures. He has been awarded with various world prestigious fellowships in his academic and professional career.
