Maria Cristina Gamberini has a degree in Chemistry, her first period abroad at the Polytechnic of Lausanne has been dedicated to the study of nanomaterials using spectroscopic techniques, studies of pigments and minerals. She is professor at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in the Chemistry Laboratory. Her main scientific interest is linked to the experimentation of the Raman Spectroscopy Technique on simple or complex matrices. For years she has studied crystals and cocrystals and polymorphs. The study and characterization of inorganic samples in collaboration with various international groups has allowed the publication of numerous articles in international journals. She has been a speaker at several international conferences. The study is currently focused on Raman spectral identification and characterization of inorganic and also organic samples.
Title : Study of several antimicrobials, physical proprieties
Title : Microplastics in marine environments: Raman identification and characterization