HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of

Chemistry World Conference

June 02-04, 2025 | Rome, Italy

Chemistry 2024

Nutrananospheres for nutraceutical delivery systems

Speaker at Chemistry World Conference 2024 - Jerry T Thornthwaite
Cancer Research Institute of West Tennessee, United States
Title : Nutrananospheres for nutraceutical delivery systems


About 90% of all compounds in the pharmaceutical drug market have solubility in water. About 60% of people over 60 and  40% of all ages have struggled to take solid medicines, such as tablets or capsules. We have developed new pharmacology with our NutraNanoSpheres™ (NNS) approach by miscellizing nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, and peptides to form stable NNS products. The NNS are completely soluble in water and are heat stable. We use a natural fatty acid without organic solvents to encapsulate nutraceuticals in sub-microscopic "micelles" in which over 500 can stretch across a human red cell as for curcumin. The NNS are not degraded in the stomach, pass into the bloodstream, and can cross the blood-brain barrier to offer high bioavailability. We have used a variety of NNS formulations to cure Malaria using an in vivo vaccination process in babies, treat antiviral assaults, provide formulations for cancer, heart disease, brain dysfunction, and energy enhancement. The NNS offer time-released mixtures of compounds that operate synergistically with the assurance that the NNS are stable and do not interact with each other. Examples of our applications of this technology include multilayered NNS for time-released Vitamin C, water-soluble antimalaria treatment for babies provided a milk bottle with a 93% cure rate, rapid recovery from severe COVID-19, a brain energy formulation, and treatment of Choline deficiency in pregnant women.


Jerry T Thornthwaite completed his chemistry doctoral program in 1975 at Florida State University with a research emphasis in biophysics. He has performed extensive research in instrumentation, reagents, and clinical applications in flow cytometry, image analysis, and luminometry. He helped to conduct grants from NASA, ACS, DARPA, NIH, and McCormick Research, among others. In 1972, he discovered what is now recognized as the Natural Killer Cell (NKC) and has published significant research in prophylactically and therapeutically enhancing NKC activity. In addition, he developed a malaria treatment in Haiti and Nigeria, which cured over 90% of the patients without recurrence. He started the two largest Immuno-Oncology Laboratories at Cedars Medical Center and Baptist Hospital in Miami and was the Clinical Laboratory Director. He has published over 70 papers and holds ten patents.
