HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.

5th Edition of

Chemistry World Conference

June 02-04, 2025 | Rome, Italy

Chemistry 2024

Breakthroughs and innovations in photodynamic therapy of tumors by lasers: Overview of our four decades experience

Speaker at Chemistry World Conference 2024 - Mohamed El Far
Mansoura University, Egypt
Title : Breakthroughs and innovations in photodynamic therapy of tumors by lasers: Overview of our four decades experience


We will present an over view of our long-term team(s) experience during four decades in the field of photodynamic therapy (PDT) of tumors by LASER, from drug discovery to clinical applications. The lecture main topics include:

  • Our search for ideal photosensitizers and discovery of uroporphyrin ability to be selectively retained in tumors for PDT and mechanism of action
  • We will show our novel approach of biodistribution and selective in-vivo tumor localization of endogenous porphyrins induced and stimulated by 5-Aminoleuvulinic acid (ALA) as a newly developed technique which we adopted to treat certain types of cancers
  • Removal of skin photo-toxicity after PDT of tumors using our novel approach
  • We will show PDT – clinical applications for treatment of certain types of cancers
  • Recent therapeutic application of our ALA technique in combination with high energy photons as Radiodynamic therapy (RDT) of deep-seated tumors in lungs and brain
  • We will present our future vision for ways to increase PDT- efficacy and where do we go from here.


Professor Mohamed El-Far, worked in biochemistry field for 40 years, published over 100 peer-reviewed papers. He received Fulbright and British council fellowships several times as well as German DAAD grant to establish PDT program at Munich, also received US-AID grant to establish PDT unit in Egypt. He is serving on the editorial boards and Hon. Editor to four international journals. He acts as UNESCO expert in science and technology. Dr. El-Far served as visiting professor to University of California as well as Utah laser center also Mayo clinic for several years. He also served as a visiting professor to Cardiff and Swansea University, UK. He is a member of international photodynamic Association and Royal Society of Chemistry, UK. Selected and served as expert and consultant for biochemistry in the national committee of suprime council of University in Egypt, which is the highest nation honor. He is recently selected as a member of higher Education and Research committee for Mansoura University. He is selected by the International Biographical Center, Cambridge, England to be among top 100 scientists 2012. He received honary doctorate of letters from International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, England. He is also selected on list of global speakers as a keynote speaker and honorable guest as well as chairman for several international conferences in cancer and diabetes as well as other recent biomedical applications as stem cells and nanotechnology. He is an international expert in photodynamic therapy (PDT) of tumors by laser; he is first worldwide to use sildenafil as novel antiabortive agent in recurrent spontaneous abortion. He was selected as person of the year 2018 by Mansoura University, also selected by Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to nominate Nobel prize winners in chemistry for year 2021 which is most prestigious honor in the world.
